Black Soap, also known as African Black Soap (Anago Soap, Alata Simena,or Ose Dudu), has long been used to heal problem skin. Its good for thinning fine lines, evening out dark spots, eczema, razor bumps and eliminating blemishes. It is also used to lightly cleanse and give you healthier looking skin. The soap can also be used on your body or hair or for oily skin, dry skin, skin rashes, scalp irritations, body odours and is good for sensitive skin. There are many other claims to the benefits of black soap, which may be proven/dis proven by the user.
The plantain skins give the soap Vitamin A & E, and iron. Because the soap has the highest shea butter content of any soap, it also offers UV protection. The soap is also good for sensitive skin, meaning its a good option for babies or the elderly. Some people with caffeine sensitivities may need to test out soap that contains cocoa pods as there is some evidence that the caffeine can be transmitted through contact with the skin.
Mudfarm Organix carries the finest African Black Soap that can be used on the entire body including the hair. Get the best prices and quality guarantee when shopping online or at our locations. We carry a full line of Shea Butter and beauty products that are all natural and free from chemicals. All of our products are hand made. We offer and supply the Toronto, Ontario area with Shea Butter and Black Soap. If you are looking for Black Soap or Shea Butter, then Mudfarm Organix is the company to trust for your supply and beauty needs. We ship in North America and Worldwide.